3 . I want to sell my photos for $10 & my triptychs should be $15 . I want them to be sold seperatley not a set .
4 . Survey :
- What was your favortie assignment in this class ? Gift Cards and photo triptychs .
- Why did you like that assignment most ? I liked editing the photos on myspace & transforming them into more than just a photo . I made a "triptych" !
- What assignment did you like the least ? The assignment I liked the least was blogging .
- Why did you like that assignment the least ? I dislike it the most because it invovled too much of thought process .
- Would you take photography class again ? Yes .
- What else would you like to learn about photography ? I would like to learn different ways to take pictures . Im also interested in learning how to design photos using photoshop .
- Why did you sign up for this class ? Want to learn to take better photographs .
- How much did you know about computers BEFORE taking this class ? 3 .
- How much do you know about computers AFTER taking this class ? 4 .
- What else would you like to learn about photoshop ? I would like to learn EVERYTHING about photoshop .
- Is there any other information you would like to add that you think might make this class better ? No .